written by sandra erwin, on april 26th, 2023

who: united states department of defense 

what: are planing to create a commercial space reserve including “satellite manufacturers, launch vehicle operators, remote sensing companies and other sectors of the space industry the government would need to mobilize during a crisis.” (para 10)


where: information was given april 26th

why: in order to have resources on reserve in the event of a defense crisis in space

how: details to be ironed out in the coming years

interesting paragraph: (para 3) “he said there are ongoing conversations about an initiative led by the u.s. space force called “commercial augmentation space reserves.” this is a new project looking at whether it makes sense to create the space equivalent of the civil reserve air fleet, or craf, a program the pentagon conceived 70 years ago to gain access to commercial airlift capacity in emergencies.” 

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